Monday, September 22, 2008

The Very First Monday Look at What I got! =3 Part Two!

Originally uploaded by starrydance

One of my favorite people to talk to in Etsy - Chat room is FaeriedTreasures and finally I saved up enough for one of her necklaces!

I also got lucky and was the 75th sale so I got extra presents too! They come packaged so neatly and sparkly and full of <3! I have many more pictures available over at my Flickr : Hooray for Flickr!

I have a few more to share that were trades but Blogspot is apparently tired of me adding photos, so more later I hope! ^_^


Muffin said...

They look so pretty and happy now that they're at your home! YAY! The faeries will be pleased.

Thanks so much!

Lady RavenWolf said...

They are very lovely! Nice packaging too!